Production Line Of Non-Woven Shopping Bags

Manufacturers of non-woven bags use automatic machines for the production. The process entails different types of machines that are being used. Large companies operate with fully automatic machines while small to medium companies use semi-automatic machines, but some are convenient enough to do it manually. It basically depends upon each company's growing demand to the market.

The production line of nonwoven shopping bags follows strict compliance to meet high quality standards. There is a significant system which is being followed depending on what type of non-woven shopping bag is about to manufacture. We have noted some basic processes which most non-woven bags are going through.

The first process is the Slitting Machine or commonly called the slitter rewinder. This machine is basically the one slitting down the non-woven fabrics from the large master roll making it into a smaller roll of fabric. This machine can efficiently produce large volume of smaller rolls for just a minimum amount of time. This kind of machine is basically consists of razor blades and different types of knives which serve for its cutting purposes.

The second process is the printing machine. This process is the application of the desired color and design on the non-woven fabric. Non-woven shopping bag usually comes in different colors and styles so in this stage you will be able to decide which type of common color is being printed out on the fabric. This is sometimes incorporated with dyeing. The common color is usually black, green and even orange.

This is the best time also to print out the company logo on the fiber. If you require large volume of non-woven shopping bags, it is advisable to print first on the fiber before it goes through the cutting process or the machinery which outputs the non-woven shopping bag.

The third one is an automatic non-woven bag machine. This is the most important part of the process because in this stage you will be able to see a pre-finished product. In this machine it happens where the exact size of the non-woven shopping bag is being measured and cut into desired sizes. After that, it goes through the folding process where it creates the body and flips each side of the bag for complete lining. This equipment has a computer touch screen where the operator can manipulate the number bags being produced. It has also devices like auto counting and auto punching facility.

The last part of the process is the ultrasonic handle sewing machine. Small strips of the non-woven fiber will be run through this sewing machine for better lining. After that, it will be cut into the desired length of the handle. After which it has been cut into pieces it will pass through the sealing process where it can perfectly fit on the upper part of the non-woven shopping bag. This machine needs two personnel to operate the process. The other one will hold the body then the other one places the handle.

These are only an overview of the systems in manufacturing non-woven shopping bags. They look quite very complicated but if the right process will be followed, you will definitely be able to create your own set of non-woven shopping bags.