In a recent interview I was asked what is at the core of your message of how to achieve your mission and it goes something like this - "The instant a person thinks something is impossible, someone somewhere cognites on how to make it possible. Why not make that someone you and then deliver your Inspired Message?"
Let me explain - We live in a physical world governed by The Law of Duality. Where there is light there is dark. If there's a negative there's a positive. If someone stands up and states it's impossible, the Law of Duality dictates someone else stands up and says it's possible. In that cognition is a clue from their Soul that leads to the expanded awareness of how it can be done. That person can then, if it is you, can follow the clues and find the way to achieve your mission, even mission impossible. I know because I've done it and I see people of all walks of life achieving impossible missions every day.
Now while our physical universe is one of duality, our spiritual universe is Oneness. When we fully understand and work with both the Law of Duality and the Law of Oneness we can expand beyond the impossible, integrate what I call "Strategy with Spirit" to create inspiring messages, captivate our audiences, and achieve our highest potentials individually, in our businesses and as a humanity.
We can use Strategy with Spirit to influence people, we can deliver our message in a way that is quickly recognized by our ideal clients and customers, we can write or speak messages that are both joyful to create and deliver, and we can have fun with our work being in inspiring loving companionship with one another instead of competitive, isolated and difficult relationships, because each Soul's message and purpose has a unique flavour. There's a place for everyone. Everyone, by the way, has a life mission to fulfil whether you know it or not. Despondency is the result of not living up to your purpose and mission, because you know you were put here to make a difference and expand your reality.
When we are In-Spirit, we are in-Spired and we create and deliver our message into the physical world of duality. We are also inspiring, and that creates magic. An inspired message moves mountains. Martin Luther King was a shining example of an In-Spirit messenger delivering an inspired message that moved a mountain of social injustice. He was also captivating.
Agents of change and soulful entrepreneurs often struggle with an opposing force that stands in the way of them achieving their grand visions. When you understand why this will always be so and how to work with this Law of Duality and the Law of Oneness, you will be able to overcome seemingly unsurmountable odds and achieve your mission. The world impossible simply becomes the catalyst to expand your abilities to achieve your goals. People are doing it every day, why not make the next person you?